New York (N.Y.)

Yvonne Hernandez

Native born. Yvonne Hernandez is an actress, director and writer. Her plays have been produced and performed at The Manhattan Repertory Theatre and The Elektra Theatre in Times Square. She has written a book titled, Queer Monologues & Short Plays. The monologues and plays from her book made its debut at Alchemical Studio in the Upper Village in New York City. She is now working on her first novel. She performs at the annual Shakespeare's Sonnet Slam at The Namburg Bandshell in Central Park and she has a passion for ballroom dancing. Tango anyone?

blair dorosh-walther

Director and Producer, blair dorosh-walther identifies as gender non-conforming and uses both male and female pronouns, is a social issue documentary director, experienced production designer, and artist with a passion for inspiring action for social justice through media. blair graduated with a BFA in Film from NYU and was awarded the Adam Balsano Award for social significance in documentary filmmaking. Out in the Night had its international premiere at the Los Angeles Film Festival June 2014 and has since been in over 90 film festivals. It has was awarded the Joyce Warshow Fund from Astraea...
