Aaron Frazier

38 years living with the virus, a poet and writer, self-published two chap books, write for La Raine Magazine and several other local and nationally. I have a BS From Saint Peters College in Jersey City Urban Studies Public Policies, an Associate in Liberal Arts Social Science from Essex County College, The Mother of the House of Divine of Greater Newark, a volunteer for the LBGTQ Center, previous Coordinator of Project Fire II of El Club Del Barrio, currently an active member of Hyacinth Cab and Thrive Role Model Story, a long term non progressor study participant with the National Institute for Health, and community activist. In my journey I have learned to adapt, adjust and keep pushing forward even when all I want to do is lay down, it is easy to complain from the sideline and not get involved with the process but someone has to do it. God take imperfect people to do a perfect work.
As I adapt it is in the best interest for all to get involve with community the journey long and the road may be hard but you must keep moving forward even when it seems like you are alone you keep pushing.